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September 26th, 2024

Always thriving for new heights on email coverage, we’ve added Rocketreach to our email waterfall.

This addition to our waterfall will increase our response rate on email enrichment, and you will be able to follow its impact thanks to the real-time display of our enrichment waterfall that was released last week!

Now when you launch an enrichment, you'll see in real time how it's progressing directly from the menu on the left of your screen.

What’s new? When it's finished, we remove it from your screen so as not to pollute you. 💚

September 19th, 2024

Depending on which provider in our waterfall is able to find the information you’re looking for - email or phone number - enrichments on Zeliq can be sometimes really fast and sometimes take a bit longer than expected. We’re now giving you full transparency on this process by showing you in real-time the progression of our waterfall.

  • When an enrichment is launched you just need to hover above the cell to see your waterfall

  • For email, if a result is found you’ll see the “veryfing” step occuring while our debounce process is running. If email is valid we’ll display the result, if not we’ll pursue the waterfall until we find a result.

  • If we don’t find anything we now display more clearly that no result was found, while giving you a retry option with the date of your last enrichment try, allowing you to know if it’s worth to try again to enrich the lead.

  • For email we’ve also improved the lisibility of debounce results :

    • Valid email

    • Risky email : could be accept-all, team email…

    • Invalid email : you shouldn’t see any invalid email coming from our enrichment waterfall however it could be displayed on legacy data you have in your organization

    • Unknown email : in case we haven’t been able to get a response from our debounce tool

Bugs and improvements

  • Sequences :

    • We have temporarly disabled filters in your views when adding leads to a sequence due to an identified bug, this feature will be put back as soon as the bug is fixed!

    • A small change was made on the variable “company name” when used in a sequence, now all company names will have their letter capitalized.

    • We’ve made a wording change in sequence KPI’s, replacing “bounced emails” by “undelivered emails” : bounced emails are only a subset of undelivered emails, and other causes can impact deliverability of your emails. We’ll work in the future on providing you a better visibility on the different type of errors that have occured when emails are not delivered.

  • Enrichment : when launching an enrichment in bulk table used to refresh each time a result was found, now refresh will only occur on a cell level providing you a smoother experience.

  • Hubspot : if you’ve created custom fields in Zeliq through CSV import you couldn’t find these fields in your Hubspot integration mapping. Now all of your custom fields will be available when going to Settings > Hubspot > Mapping.

  • Search : the need to fill in both fields of the filter “company department” was misunderstood, so we’ve added an error when trying to close this filter after filling-in only one of the 2 fields.

We give you credits as soon as you're onboarded.

You can also buy them to find more and more phone numbers, emails or to generate personalities.

And you know that at Zeliq, we like to take care of you. 🫶

So now, if you've got credits left over that you haven't used for a while, you'll receive a reminder to come and use them. 🤑

As you may know, when you launch an enrichment for example, you can see in real time in your menu/navigation bar the progress of your enrichment.

Now, for your first enrichment, we're going to showcase this little module called asynchronous actions through a product tour.

Many of you use our search function. (thanks for that 😁)

And from time to time, you get so greedy with the filters that there are no results ...

Don't panic, now when this happens, you'll automatically get a little help from Camille, our dedicated CSM, to help you get results. 💚

July 2024

New feature

What could be better than a few videos to help you get up to speed on ZELIQ and videos with a few tips to help you prospect more effectively?

For all those on the free or starter plan, it's now available on page : Home -> Onboarding 🔥

New feature

A new view is available in our Search feature : Company view 🔥

If your team works with an account-based approch, you can now start by sourcing companies you want to work on before switching to contact view to pursue your sourcing to find the right people.

Want to start your day more productively than fishing for gossip after your morning coffee ? 🥱

We've put together a page with all the information you need to start your day efficiently. 🔥

In less than a minute, you can see which leads are hot, your tasks for the day, this week's performance, and all the new data available on your leads. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Do you need to enrich the data of your choice on a massive scale?

Massive enrichment was already possible thanks to the enrichment hub, now choice is possible too!

Choose now whether you want email, phones. Or both. 💫

Have fun !

June 2024

We know that CSV bulk import & enrichment was so time consuming.
To complete the workflow, you needed more than 12 steps 🫠
We thought of you and reduced it. A lot.

Now, you only need 3 steps !
➡️ Import
➡️ Enrich
➡️ Export

And the name of this feature?
Enrichment Hub

Enjoy 💚

You experienced our alpha, our beta, and the product you knew a few months ago continues to grow and evolve!

Just as you buy new clothes for your growing child, it was time for ZELIQ to change its wardrobe.

New step, new pricing!

There are many changes, which you can check here.

But if we have to summarize it for you:

  • We're multiplying all credits by 10 (which allows us to lower the price of many features, such as AI personality generation)

  • Free users now have access to more features

  • There are now credit subscriptions. And available from the free plan

The feature that everyone is waiting for, Linkedin Automation!

Now, not only that you can add leads directly into ZELIQ using our chrome extension, but now you can also:

  • Visit profiles

  • Send Connection Request

  • Send Linkedin Message

  • Send Linkedin Message follow up

Plus all these sequence can be sent to several people at a time!

All these actions can also be combined with emails & call task allowing you to create the perfect Omnichannel outreach to ensure the highest conversion.

Our search feature has been completely revamped!

Additional filters

Increase the precision of your prospect targeting with all our new filters :

  • Department - based on Sales Navigator nomenclature

  • Department Size

  • Contact name

  • Decision maker

  • Job change in the last 6 months

  • Funding round & funding round amount

  • Company founded year

  • Revenue

  • Seniority - both on current role and total years of experience


You can now use exclusion in our search feature with a single click !

  1. Add the filter you want to exclude

  2. Click on your filter, it’s now an exclusion

Time is money so why do several actions when you can do everything in one click? With our reworked interface you can now add & enrich leads in single click : just click on enrich and your lead will automatically be added to your organisation.

Once your lead is added more actions are now available. Directly in the search page you can now do multiple actions through the “make action” button :

May 2024

Introducing a New, Efficient Way to Add Leads into Sequences

We're excited to announce a significant enhancement to our lead management system, aimed at improving your sales efficiency and effectiveness. This update revolutionizes how you add and manage leads, providing more control and better insights.

What’s New?

  1. Advanced List Creation:

    • Versatile Filtering: Create lists of leads using detailed filters such as lead status, location, job title, or custom labels, enabling a more focused approach to prospecting.

  2. Improved Sequence Page:

    • Seamless Lead Addition: Simply click "Add Leads" to access a new drawer that reveals comprehensive options for managing leads. You can:

      • Select from pre-filtered lists or refine the list right within the drawer.

      • Add entire lists (note: adding large numbers may take some time) or pick leads individually.

      • Exclude leads already involved in other sequences to ensure no duplications.

  3. Enhanced Drawer Content:

    • Detailed Lead Information: Instantly view leads’ names, companies, and job titles.

    • Direct Communication: Newly added call and email buttons let you contact leads without leaving the platform.

    • Sequence Donuts: Visual indicators show whether leads are part of other sequences.

    • Lead Priority: Understand at a glance if a lead is categorized as urgent, high, pool, or on standby.

We’re committed to continuously improving our platform to better serve your needs. Your feedback is invaluable—let us know how these new features work for you!

Enhanced Lead Tracking with New Engagement Signals in Sequences

With our latest feature release, users can now monitor lead’s engagement directly within sequences. This update introduces intuitive engagement signal icons, enabling a more streamlined and efficient way to track lead interactions.

New Features Include:

  • Email Opens: Easily see which contacts have opened your emails, allowing for timely follow-ups.

  • Link Clicks: Identify who is engaging with the content and links provided in your emails.

  • Email Replies: Keep track of who has responded to your emails to prioritize follow-up actions.

  • Bounced Emails: Quickly identify and address issues with email deliverability.

  • Unsubscribes: Monitor who has opted out of your email sequences to refine your targeting and content strategies.

How to Use the New Engagement Signals:

  1. Navigate to Your Sequences: Access your existing sequences from the dashboard.

  2. View Engagement Icons: Each sequence now displays icons next to each lead, indicating their interaction status.

  3. Adjust Strategies Based on Insights: Use these insights to adapt your email strategies, focusing on the most promising leads or addressing potential issues early.

We believe these new features will greatly enhance your ability to manage and convert leads effectively. Start exploring these new capabilities today and see how they can transform your email marketing efforts.

Simplifying Sequence Creation with Improved Save Options

Based on valuable user feedback, we have removed the "draft feature" to eliminate confusion and improve the visibility of user-generated content.

Key Changes:

  • Removal of the Draft Feature: We observed that the draft feature often led to confusion, with many users reporting, "I created a sequence, but I don't see it anymore." To address this, we have removed the draft feature to ensure that all sequences are immediately visible and manageable upon creation.

  • Introduction of Save Confirmation Modal: To prevent any unintentional loss of work, we have introduced a new save confirmation modal. Now, if you create a sequence and attempt to navigate away without saving, a modal will appear, asking if you want to save or discard your sequence. This ensures that you have full control over your sequences and their visibility.

Benefits of the Update:

  • Increased Clarity and Visibility: All sequences you create will now be instantly visible and editable, removing any uncertainty about where your sequences are stored.

  • Enhanced Control Over Your Work: The new modal serves as a checkpoint to confirm your intentions, reducing the risk of losing any sequences unintentionally.

How to Adapt to the New Process:

  1. Create Your Sequence: Start creating your sequence as usual.

  2. Decision Point: If you try to leave the sequence editor without saving, the confirmation modal will prompt you to make a choice—save or discard your changes.

  3. Select Your Option: Choose to save your sequence to retain changes, or discard if you do not wish to keep what you have created.

Design improvements !

  • Improved Icon Design: We have updated the design of the phone and email icons within the lead information cells to be more intuitive and visually appealing.

  • New Enrichment Buttons: For leads missing phone numbers or email addresses, two new shiny blue buttons will now appear:

    • Find Phone: Clicking this button initiates an automatic search to enrich the lead's phone number.

    • Find Email: Clicking this button starts a process to find and add the lead's email address.

  • Enrichment Status Indicator: Upon initiating data enrichment, a new tag labeled "In Progress - Enrich" will appear next to the lead's name. This tag serves as a clear, visual cue to inform you that the enrichment process is underway.

Labels Bulk Update

Create a list in just a few click is now possible in Zeliq !

  1. Select the leads you want to add to your list

    You’ll see the option “edit in bulk” in the floating bar at the bottom of the screen

  2. Click on edit bulk and choose labels

    Once done you can select existing labels or create a new one :

    1. Use filtering menu to create a view associated to your label

    Once filtered on the correct label, create your view : your list is ready!

Mail checker V2

We’ve revamped our mail checker system to give you increased visibility on email analysis and a better readability in table. In V1 we only indicated which email were valid, now you’ll be able to see :

  • Valid emails

  • Accept-all emails

  • Risky emails (team email, temporary email)

  • Invalid emails (not an email, invalid, spam-trap)

  • Unknown emails

Moreover you will know be able to see directly in table which is the best email status that you have directly in table :

If you have several emails on a single contact we’ll display the picto of the best email you have with the following priority :

  1. Valid

  2. Accept-all

  3. Risky

  4. Unknown

  5. Invalid

Avril 2024

Hubspot Activities

We’ve just released our V2 of Hubspot synchronisation! 🔥

You can now synchronise your activities between Hubspot & Zeliq :

  • Calls :

    • from Hubspot to Zeliq : automatic for any contact you sync with Zeliq

    • from Zeliq to Hubspot : on-demand, choose if you want to sync to Hubspot in your push settings

  • Mails :

    • from Hubspot to Zeliq : automatic for any contact you sync with Zeliq

    • from Zeliq to Hubspot : on-demand, choose if you want to sync to Hubspot in your push settings

  • Notes - Only from Zeliq to Hubspot

In order to set-up this new feature you just need to :

  • Go to settings

  • Go to Integrations > Hubspot

  • Click on “Disconnect Hubspot” at the bottom of the page. Don’t worry your configuration will be saved so you’ll be able to get it back when you reconnect

  • Reconnect your CRM : this will allow us to retrieve the necessary authorisations from Hubspot to sync your activities.

  • Open your settings and go to “push settings” to toggle the activities you want to sync.

  • Save and you’re activities will start syncing 🚀

Create custom views in my leads

Feature Overview

We are excited to announce the launch of Custom Views for Leads, a new feature designed to enhance your lead management experience within our platform. This powerful new functionality allows you to save your lead filters and labels as personalized views, streamlining your workflow and ensuring quick access to the leads that matter most to you.

Key Features

  • Save Custom Filters: Apply your preferred filters to segment your leads based on specific criteria such as industry, location, engagement level, and more. Once you've set up your filters, you can save them as a custom view.

  • Quick Access to Frequent Searches: Your most used views are now at your fingertips. Save time by accessing your favorite filters instantly, without needing to reapply them each time.

  • Ease of Use: Creating and accessing views is straightforward. With just a few clicks, you can streamline your leads into manageable segments that are directly aligned with your sales and marketing strategies.

How It Works

  1. Filter Your Leads: Use the advanced filter options to select the criteria for the leads you want to focus on.

  2. Save Your View: Once your filters are set, save this setup as a view. Give your view a custom label for easy identification.

  3. Access and Manage Views: Your saved views are readily accessible on the main dashboard. You can easily edit or delete views as your needs evolve.


  • Efficiency: Reduce the time spent on repetitive tasks by accessing pre-set views.

  • Customization: Tailor your lead management process to fit your unique business needs.

  • Productivity: Focus more on engaging leads and less on managing them, thanks to organized and easily accessible views.

We believe this new feature will significantly enhance your ability to manage leads effectively and efficiently. Try out Custom Views today and transform your lead management process into a more productive and customizable experience.

Happy Selling!

Search Update

A first update of our search feature has been pushed this week 🔥

  1. Free search field

    Use the searchbar you’ll find on top of your filter menu to search on :

    • First name or last name

    • Contact city or country

    • Contact linkedin url

    • Job title

    • Company name

    • Company domain or Linkedin url

    • Company city or country

  2. Additional job titles

We’ve made a big increase in the number of job titles available in our “job title” filter, with now 34 millions unique values 🚀

We’ve also added the possibility to add a free value in the job title filter if you don’t find what you’re looking for in the options available or if you want to target job titles that contain a specific word.

Speech to text

We are thrilled to announce the launch of an innovative new feature on our platform: Speech-to-Text. This feature allows you to draft email sequences and take notes quickly and effortlessly, simply by speaking.

March 2024

🚨 Enrichment Alerting System

You tried to enrich a lead but didn’t get any result? We got you covered!

If we’re able to find more data on a lead after a first unsuccessful enrichment, we’ll inform you so you can try to enrich your leads again.

You’ll be able to find this banner :

  • On your homepage

  • In Data Health > Enrichment

  • In Organization leads if you’re on a custom plan

Just click on “see details” and you’ll be able to access all of your leads that received new data since you tried to enrich them.

Here is a quick video on how to use it :

🚀 Sequence Performances

Significant improvements have been made to the sequence feature. In the manager cockpit, you can now track your sequence's performance, as well as the performance of every team member. With this feature, you can generate a list of leads that have:

Opened your email, along with the number of times they opened it

  • Clicked a link in your email, along with the number of times they clicked on it

  • Replied to your email

  • Unsubscribed

  • Bounced

🛬 Have a Smoother Registration

At ZELIQ, we focus all our attention on our users. That's why we've decided to pamper them from the very first second.

We're pleased to present our new registration and login screens! :star_struck:

Designed to save you time while informing you about ZELIQ and its features 💚

:chart_increasing: My Cockpit Update

Following our last release on the “Manager Cockpit” we have added similar improvements on “My Cockpit” to give more informations and indicators to your team’s members.

They now have access to a bunch of KPI’s related to their activities, mails, calls, performance and sequences on ZELIQ !

🚨 Lead Scoring Based on Engagement

We found that SDR teams lose 30% of their opportunities because prioritizing a pipeline of hundreds of prospects is painful. We're thrilled to announce the rollout of our latest feature - Enhanced Lead Prioritization, designed to optimize your Lead Management. Here's what you need to know.

Your pipeline is now categorised in 4 priorities

  1. Urgent

  2. High

  3. Pool

  4. Standby

Prioritization Criteria


  • Leads requiring immediate attention due to unanswered emails from leads or missed calls.


  • Leads needing contact today including:

    • Overdue and daily tasks or significant engagement (2 clicks on a link, or an email is opened 2 times).

    • Leads contacted more than 4 days ago with no task created and no answers from them.

    • Leads with the status “New” with no activity performed yet and no tasks planned for over 10 days.


  • Leads not necessitating immediate contact, with tasks due within 7 days or no assigned tasks.


  • Leads needing no immediate action, with tasks due beyond 7 days.

With these enhancements, you can efficiently allocate your resources, ensuring timely follow-ups and improved lead management.

🚀 Create a Sequence Directly from My leads & Organization Leads

We're excited to announce a time-saving enhancement to our platform: the ability to create sequences directly from the My Leads and Organization Leads pages.

How it Works:

  1. Select Leads: Choose the leads you want to include in your sequence.

  2. Add to Sequence: Click on "Add to Sequence."

  3. Create Sequence: Select "Create a Sequence" or simply tap the desired sequence name.

  4. Validation: Validate your selection, and voila! Your sequence is created.

This streamlined process allows you to quickly organize and initiate sequences, empowering you to maximize productivity. Try it out today and experience greater efficiency in lead management.

🚀 Introducing "freeze Column" Feature

We're excited to introduce a new feature aimed at enhancing user experience and efficiency: "Pin Column."

What's New:

  • With "Pin Column," users can now make a column sticky to the left side of the table.

  • This feature eliminates the hassle of scrolling within the table and losing focus on important columns.

  • Simply select the desired column and pin it to keep it visible at all times, ensuring easy access to crucial information.

We believe that this enhancement will streamline your workflow and save valuable time. Try out the "Pin Column" feature today and experience smoother table navigation.

:trashcan: Archive leads in bulk

We're thrilled to introduce a highly-requested feature to My Leads: Bulk Archive Leads. Now, managing your leads is more efficient than ever before.

How it Works:

  1. Select Leads: Simply select the leads you want to archive.

  2. Archive Leads: In the floating bar, choose the option to archive leads.

  3. Confirmation: Confirm your selection, and watch as the selected leads are seamlessly archived.

With this new capability, you can declutter your leads list and focus on what matters most. Try out the Bulk Archive Leads feature and streamline your lead management process like never before.

:trashcan: Bulk Deletion of Leads in Sequences

We're excited to announce a significant enhancement to our platform: the ability to delete leads in bulk during the enrichment and review errors steps within sequences. This feature is designed to streamline your workflow and save valuable time.

Bugs and improvements

  • Tasks management
  • Sequence

February 2024

ZELIQ in French ! :flag_fr:

I hear French people prefer the app in French? :face_with_open_mouth:

Not a problem anymore! The ZELIQ app is now available in French 🔥

To try it, go to your settings page, on your profile.

Outlook 📩

We're excited to announce a major update to ZELIQ that addresses a key concern many of you have shared with us. With our latest release, we've focused on enhancing your email management capabilities, making your sales and growth efforts more efficient than ever!

What's New?

Outlook Integration: You asked, and we listened! Now, you can connect your Outlook account directly with ZELIQ. This long-awaited feature means you can:

  1. Send and Receive Emails from Prospects: Connect your Outlook account to effortlessly send and receive emails directly within ZELIQ. Streamline your communication and keep everything in one centralized hub.

  2. Automate Email Sequences: Launch automated email sequences directly from your Outlook account. Save time and ensure timely follow-ups with prospects, making your outreach more efficient than ever.

  3. Track Email Engagement: Gain insights into prospect engagement by tracking opens and clicks. Understand how your emails are performing and tailor your approach based on real-time data.

  4. Edit Safety Settings: Customize safety settings to align with your preferences. Set daily limits and avoid being flagged as spam, ensuring your emails reach your prospects' inboxes reliably.

  5. Perform DNS Checker: Ensure optimal email deliverability by using the built-in DNS checker. Identify and address any potential issues to enhance the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Leads Pipeline improvement :chart_increasing:

1. Column Cutomization on Pipeline 🙂

Drag and drop to reorder or delete column

Great news! Now, in the My Leads and Organization Leads section when you customize column orders, sizes, or deletions, your edits are saved locally. No more losing your changes when you refresh the page!

  1. Keyboard shortcut to bulk select leads:

Hold down the 'Shift' key on your keyboard and click on the first and last lead you want to select. This instantly highlights all leads in between, allowing for quick and precise bulk selection.

3 .User’s mail box is not synchronized

Exciting news! Now, ZELIQ alerts you instantly if your email isn't synchronized. No more confusion, just a seamless workflow.

New Manager Cockpit

We have added a brand new area that helps Sales Managers and Team Leads to manage their team activities with a lot of informations and KPIs :

  • Global Overview Provide the mains metrics about the team activities

  • Mails Allow you to understand the usage of emails in your team and compare by user

  • Call Allow you to understand the usage of calls in your team and compare by user

  • Meeting Booked Provide details by team members and an overview of your leads booked

  • Sequences Allow you to compare your teams sequences and performances

  • Performance Provide you the best KPIs to see where your team have the best performance on meeting booked (by ICP, by hour, by call and by lead source …)

  • ZELIQ activity Detailed of every activities on ZELIQ for your team (actions, credits consumed …)

Add Leads to a Sequence Directly From Search Feature 🚀

  1. Access the lead sequence interface.

  2. Click on add leads

  3. Utilize the search bar to enter the lead's name or relevant details.

We have improved the design of the sequence overview page by adding new tags:

  • Running ⇒ the sequence is live and it’s running

  • Pause ⇒ the sequence is paused. You just have to turn on the toggle in the sequence overview page

  • Draft ⇒ the sequence is draft, and you must launch the sequence to send email

Contacts/companies management
New feature

Sequence - Add leads to an existing sequence from organization leads and myleads

From the Organization Leads and My Leads, the user can add leads to an existing sequence. Via a side panel, the user can exclude leads, enrich leads with missing emails and or phone numbers, and assign leads to different users. The user will also be warned if leads have errors in the sequence.

⇒ so much time saved !

Use Cases Example :

  1. 1st use case

In my role as a manager, I have concerns that my Sales Development Representative (SDR) team may lack the proficiency in crafting effective sequences and may not be well-versed in copywriting.

To address this, the manager initiates a solution by personally designing a sequence complete with pre-written steps. Subsequently, the SDR team members are tasked with simply add leads into the pre-built sequence.

  1. In one click, I can add leads to a sequence that is working well !

Sequence Status Donut

Sequence Status Donut in my leads are out ! From now on, in my leads, you can directly view whether a lead is in a sequence or not; If it's in a sequence, you'll see the step it's in, and if the lead is in error, the "donuts" icon will turn red. And finally, you can remove a lead from a sequence with a single click.

  • Blue Circle: Easily identify the lead's current step in the sequence.

  • Red Circle: Instantly spot errors that need your attention.

  • Blue-grey Circle Icon: Effortlessly add leads to sequences for seamless interactions.

Search update

  • Assignment & enrichment added to your search page : simplify your sourcing process by handling assignation and enrichment of the leads directly on the search page. Also, more leads are now displayed on your result page!

  • CSV export : our clients now have access to CSV export, where you can easily export up to 5000 leads in one click with our CSV export feature!

Outreach - Gmail integration

We've improved our integration with Gmail. From now on, you no longer need to initiate a thread for emails to come up in Zeliq. Each and every mail leaving gmail will be displayed in the activities section on Zeliq. What's more, if lead is the first to send you an e-mail, it will also appear in the activities section!

Bulk action - Edit leads in bulk

It is now possible to select several leads and edit their lead status with a single click.

Real-time Email Engagement Tracking: A Closer Look at Lead Actions

  • Email Opened:

    • If a lead opens an email, real time activity will be displayed in the outreach page and in the lead side panel

  • Link Clicked:

    • If a lead clicks on a link in an email, real time activity will be displayed in the outreach page and in the lead side panel

These real-time notifications provide you with valuable insights into lead engagement, helping you tailor your outreach strategy more effectively.

Phone Status Indicators: A Quick Glance at Lead Phone Information

  • Phone Available (Yes):

    • The phone icon is now displayed in dark, indicating the lead has a phone number.

    • Hovering over the phone icon reveals a pop hover with the lead's phone number.

    • Within the pop hover, you can

      • Start a call

      • Enrich the lead again

      • Add a new phone number manually

  • Phone Unavailable (No):

    • The phone icon is in a subtle grey, signaling that the lead is currently missing a phone number.

    • Hovering over the phone icon displays a pop hover with an empty state, ready for you to add a new phone number.

    • Within the pop hover, you can

      • Enrich the lead again

      • Add a new phone number manually

Email Status Indicators: A Quick Glance at Email Address Information

  • Email Available (Yes):

    • The email icon is now displayed in dark, indicating the lead has an email address

    • Hovering over the email icon reveals a pop hover with the lead's email address.

    • Within the pop hover, you can

      • Send an email

      • Enrich the lead again

      • Add a new email address

  • Email Unavailable (No):

    • The Email icon is in a subtle grey, signaling that the lead is currently missing an email address

    • Hovering over the phone icon displays a pop hover with an empty state, ready for you to add a new phone number.

    • Within the pop hover, you can

      • Enrich the lead again

      • Add a new email address manually

Automatic Enrichment through Search page

  • You’re now able to select your enrichment preferences before adding leads from our Search page

  • You can choose between automatic email enrichment (free) or automatic mail & phone enrichment (1 credit per contact enriched with at least one phone number)

  • Based on this selection, your leads will automatically be enriched when you add a lead to your organisation

CSV Export now available on Free/starter plans

  • In your “My Leads” page you’ll now be able to find “export” button on the top right of your table

  • Export on free/starter plans will match the current display of your table, but are limited to a maximum of 100 leads. If your table exceed this number of leads you can apply filters to reduce the amount of leads displayed.

Bugs and improvements

  • ❤️‍🩹 Improvements

December 2023

New feature

❤️‍🔥 We're finally available to everyone on the market! ❤️‍🔥

A lot has happened in 1 month, with our official launch on product hunt! Thanks to you we finished #1 product of the day and #2 product of the week :star_struck:

Moreover since the grand launch on 15 November, everyone can now access the platform & start using it immediately.


Let’s dive in ⬇️

🔄 Hubspot Integration

Our new Hubspot integration is finally live! With this integration you’ll be able to :

  • Choose between global synchronisation and list synchronisation instead of only lists in our previous version

  • Determine which entities can be created in your Hubspot account

  • Map your properties between Zeliq & Hubspot, and choose your synchronisation rules : bi-directionality is now available !

  • Define exclusion rules to only synchronize prospects that are relevant to your Hubspot activity :

To connect Hubspot in ZELIQ (available in starter plan & above) click here.

🚨Email Sequence Review Error Message

We're excited to introduce a powerful enhancement to the sequence creation workflow – the ability to review errors. In the final step of creating a sequence, the "Review Steps" page now not only provides a summary of the sequence but also highlights any errors detected by Zeliq. This includes missing variables in emails, unassigned leads, and those lacking email addresses.

Key Benefits:

  1. Error Visibility: Easily identify and address issues such as missing variables, unassigned leads, and absent email addresses directly in the sequence review, ensuring a smoother execution.

  2. Prevent Oversights: Stay on top of potential roadblocks before launching a sequence by reviewing and resolving errors in a centralized location.

  3. Efficient Problem Resolution: Quickly navigate and rectify errors, streamlining the sequence creation process and reducing the risk of communication hiccups.

In order to use the outreach function, you’d need to upgrade your plan to starter plan & above which you can do so here.

💰Plan management and getting more credit

You can now go to our upgrade plan page directly in the app to go premium, add more enrichment and personality credits and switch to whichever plan that fits you the best.

Bugs and improvements

  • ❤️‍🩹 Improvements

November 2023

❤️‍🔥 We're finally available to everyone on the market! ❤️‍🔥

It took us over 9 months to build the first version of ZELIQ, and we're really pleased with how far we've come, even though we've only just laid the foundation stone for a huge building.

And it's all thanks to you, so thank you 💚

This release is a bit special because we're bringing out…. 4 huge features!

Let’s dive in ⬇️

💚 New features:

  • Sequence

  • Search

  • Ringover Integration

  • Sales Navigator Extension

:shuffle: Sequences

It’s time to automatically send a series of actions to your prospects ! For the moment there are only emails, but call and linkedin tasks are coming soon.

👏 Thanks @DC Squad

🔎 Search

You can Find anyone in the world from our 1.8 billion prospects database directly from your Zeliq workspace !

👏 Thanks @Marvel Squad

📞 Ringover Integration

You can now connect your Ringover account to make calls directly from the Zeliq platform.

👏 Thanks @DC Squad

🎗️ Sales Navigator Extension

Add leads from sales navigator search page or directly from contact pages in sales navigator

👏 Thanks @Marvel Squad

Bugs and improvements

  • 1️⃣ Enrichment
  • 2️⃣ My Cockpit is live
  • 3️⃣ User's gmail signature

October 2023

Linkedin Extension
Tasks management
New feature

❤️‍🔥 The Zeliq platform has been approved by Google! ❤️‍🔥

And of course, that implies great news for all of you, particularly :

Our Linkedin extension is now available on the Google Chrome store! :star_struck:

As the extension is evolving rapidly, availability on the stores will allow you to have automatic updates.

To download it, 💫 click here 💫

💚 New features :

:trashcan: Task removal

You can now delete tasks directly from the "task" tab in My leads and Outreach.

👏 Thanks @Mathieu

Bugs and improvements

  • 1️⃣ Task modal design
  • 2️⃣ Color freezed checkboxes

September 2023

Tasks management
New feature

Hello Zeliq Champions 👋

Welcome to the 3rd edition of Zeliq release notes.

We know that you love our release notes and hence from now on we are going to do it weekly! Once again thank you for your feedback, commitment, and support toward our Beta product!

Discover your new features ⬇️

Task reminder

If you have scheduled a task, 5 minutes before it happens, a pop-up window will remind you of this task.

👏 Thanks @Stephane & @Augustin

☎️ Incoming call mode

When you receive a call from a lead, a window will open and give you 2 options:

  • Take immediate action with them, which will redirect you to their screen on Outreach

  • Postpone the call for later

    👏 Thanks @Stephane & @Augustin

📞 Aircall status button

We have improved the design of the button. You can now see when Aircall is not connected, click directly on the button that will redirect you to the Aircall integration settings.

👏 Thanks @Stephane

Bugs and improvements

  • 1️⃣ Duplicate identification
  • 2️⃣ Freeze checkboxes
  • 3️⃣ New editing icon
  • 4️⃣ Freeze information
  • 5️⃣ New settings page

August 2023

Linkedin Extension
Data enrichment
New feature

Hello Zeliq Champions 👋

Welcome to the 2nd edition of Zeliq release notes! It's August 17th, 2023, and we're moving fast thanks to you, so thank you for your feedback, your commitment, and your support in general!

Big announcement: a new version of the application is now live!

And we can tell you one thing: the technical team and the product team have been busy!

Discover your new features ⬇️

👤 Personality generator

In Lead Outreach, by using 1 credit, you can now generate your leads' personality and adjust your speech to their voice & tone.

👏 Thanks @Thomas

📖 Enrichment history View

In data health, click on the enrichment tab. You can now view your enrichment history, their completion level, and the number of credits consumed.

👏 Thanks @Mathieu

💥 Bulk lead upload from LinkedIn extension

Add all the leads from your LinkedIn search directly from the extension or the LinkedIn search page in one click (requires version 0.0.13)

👏 Thanks @Louis-Remi

Bugs and improvements

  • Data enrichment
    1️⃣ Phone number enrichment
  • Data import
    2️⃣ CSV file import
  • 3️⃣ Better column management
  • 4️⃣ New side panel organization
  • 5️⃣ Task dates
  • 6️⃣ Strategy autosave
  • 9️⃣ Lead selection
  • 8️⃣ Email preview
  • 9️⃣ Lead selection
  • 🔟 Variables

July 2023

Data enrichment
New feature

🗂️ Update lead status

It is now possible to assign a more detailed status to your leads. With finer granularity, you can provide more details about the status of your leads and stay alert on the actions to take!

🔗 Easy access to a lead's LinkedIn page and their company's page

Each contact now has two clickable LinkedIn links:

  • The link to the lead's personal LinkedIn page

  • The link to the lead's company's LinkedIn page

📞 Simplified selection of telephone area codes.

We have simplified the management of telephone area codes by adding a list of countries and their associated code.

🗄️ Multiple selection for lead archiving

Page : Organization leads

How to archive your leads.mp4

New on the lead archiving side. Now you select in groups, click on "archive", validate and voilà

💫 Visible enrichment results

Pages : MyLeads, Organization leads

Enrichment results are now visible!

We have deployed two types of enrichment:

  • An automatic enrichment that triggers as soon as the contact and company are created, and completes all basic information of a contact (job title, company, ...) and their company (number of employees, industry, ...).

  • An on-demand enrichment, via the "enrich" button, to identify the more recent phone number and/or email address of a contact.

Enrichment results are available as soon as you see the icon below, both in the contact record and in the table columns.

🤝 Clear display of recent and upcoming interactions

Page : MyLeads

Finally, we have improved the display on "my lead", your work environment as a prospecting team member.

Now, the tab is more focused on interaction data 🙌

  • What were my latest contacts (dates, types, etc.)

  • What are the next ones?