We start the year with some nice additions on our search feature, that will help you to save time allow for more precise targeting!
Bulk search on companies
In order to simplify sourcing of leads for prospect with account based approach, you can now launch bulk search on companies :
Already added to your organization (in All Leads / My leads)
Displayed in search

You just need to select the companies you want to target though the checkboxes, and then click on “find contacts” : you will be automatically redirected to our search page with a filter applied on the companies you’ve selected.
Region Filter
In the filters “location” and “company location” you now have the possibility to select regions in addition to cities and countries.

Job offers - only for paid plans
You can now target companies that are currently recruiting, and optionally indicate on which business units the recruitment is done.

Company Size evolution - only for paid plans
If you want to target companies that are growing, or have an interest for companies with a decreasing size, you can now target them with this filter.

Business Unit Size evolution - only for paid plans
Similarly to the company size evolution, you can do the same targeting on specific business units

Addition of parent industries
In order to make navigation easier inside the 400+ values we have for industries, we’ve added parent industries to classify them.

You can now easily :
Find which industries you’re looking for
Select in one click all industries associated to a parent industry