Depending on which provider in our waterfall is able to find the information you’re looking for - email or phone number - enrichments on Zeliq can be sometimes really fast and sometimes take a bit longer than expected. We’re now giving you full transparency on this process by showing you in real-time the progression of our waterfall.
When an enrichment is launched you just need to hover above the cell to see your waterfall
For email, if a result is found you’ll see the “veryfing” step occuring while our debounce process is running. If email is valid we’ll display the result, if not we’ll pursue the waterfall until we find a result.
If we don’t find anything we now display more clearly that no result was found, while giving you a retry option with the date of your last enrichment try, allowing you to know if it’s worth to try again to enrich the lead.

For email we’ve also improved the lisibility of debounce results :
Valid email
Risky email : could be accept-all, team email…
Invalid email : you shouldn’t see any invalid email coming from our enrichment waterfall however it could be displayed on legacy data you have in your organization
Unknown email : in case we haven’t been able to get a response from our debounce tool

Bugs and improvements
Sequences :
We have temporarly disabled filters in your views when adding leads to a sequence due to an identified bug, this feature will be put back as soon as the bug is fixed!
A small change was made on the variable “company name” when used in a sequence, now all company names will have their letter capitalized.
We’ve made a wording change in sequence KPI’s, replacing “bounced emails” by “undelivered emails” : bounced emails are only a subset of undelivered emails, and other causes can impact deliverability of your emails. We’ll work in the future on providing you a better visibility on the different type of errors that have occured when emails are not delivered.

Enrichment : when launching an enrichment in bulk table used to refresh each time a result was found, now refresh will only occur on a cell level providing you a smoother experience.
Hubspot : if you’ve created custom fields in Zeliq through CSV import you couldn’t find these fields in your Hubspot integration mapping. Now all of your custom fields will be available when going to Settings > Hubspot > Mapping.
Search : the need to fill in both fields of the filter “company department” was misunderstood, so we’ve added an error when trying to close this filter after filling-in only one of the 2 fields.